Do you want to wear less than 24 carat gold?

Everyone is running for their desires. Desires for luxury life, desires to earn more, desires to show off, desires to live their own way. We meet many people daily and most of the time people even forget to wear that fake smile. Hmm sounds unkind words!! 😊 Yeah! I’m going to tell you shortly. We meet people, we give help and get help. Many people cross our paths for some reason. Today, to get the desired life, people have forgot to be kind and started to use others. Many of us don’t even care for other’s feelings. So how can we wear 24 carat gold? In this fast running world, people are running for the things and to get things they treat people like steps. Sometimes they use people and when they don’t need people in their lives, they just kick them out. Have you ever felt that? My dad once said that if people are getting inferior 23 carat gold then we shouldn’t be like 22-23 carat gold and we must remain 24 carat gold. The world is changing and people are adding impurities to the...