Is lying the unkinder thing in the world?

Lie, whenever we see the word, many negative memories come to our mind. Yes! Lying is really bad and we should say truth, this is we are taught from the childhood. Here, I’m going to talk about the kind and unkind nature of lying to everyone. When I was a child, I had phobia of very hard punishments and so I lied a lot to parents, friends and teachers. Everyone would speak about saying truth so one day I decided to say truth always. One day I switched on the button of the water filter when there was a work in progress which was already done. I didn’t know about it, my dad asked who switched on the water filter, I accepted and said me. He shouted aloud too much so that I was shocked and horrified. Sometimes the reactions to the truth are really bad. But truth is peaceful as you don’t need to remember anything and your mind relax immediately. There is no alternate to truth! Truth is real! Whenever we speak a lie, we try to hurt someone, steal something or whatever the reason, we...